tanya gaviria



full stack web developer


Hey! I'm Tanya - a full stack developer from Atlanta, GA. I'm high-spirited, insatiably curious, and always good for a laugh. I love coding, my three dogs (Walter, Doug, and Tesla), and learning anything new - just for the fun of it.

I got my start in web development when I was 13, customizing my own sites with basic HTML, CSS, and a little Photoshop. I've since (thankfully) expanded my knowledge in development technologies, and most recently attended Georgia Tech's Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp.

But who am I really?

I'm a first generation Colombian American (my entire family hails from Medellin), and I try to visit at least once a year. My first true passion was music; I played the cello for just over 12 years. I used to play in the Gwinnett Symphony Orchestra, a local volunteer-based county orchestra, playing holiday ballets, park concerts, and other events.

More random stuff: I'm fluent in Spanish, conversational level in German, and am currently learning the very basics of Japanese (hajimemashite!). My fastest time solving a rubik's cube was a minute and seventeen seconds. Using my fingers, I can count to 1,023 in binary! I love photography, specifically taking candid photos of people and events, capturing real moments in time and how they felt. My favorite movies are The Fifth Element and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (when I was young, I got a bow and arrows and shot in my backyard so I could pretend to be Legolas).


As a full stack programmer, I build web applications from front-end to back-end. My priority is to create responsive, clean, easy to navigate UI's with effecient, organized, and easy to expand back-end code using best practices.

I am currently seeking a Software Engineer / Developer position in the Atlanta area.

View my full resume here (opens PDF file).

Primary technologies:






Git Version Control


MongoDB & Mongoose





Mocha and Chai

Visual Studio

Familiar With:






Below are a few projects I have built, along with links to deployed demos and the Github repositories, which contain the full code and files, more detail about the functionalilty of the apps, and code explanations.

Space Memory Game

Built with React - A memory game with 15 unique images. Each time one is clicked, the images randomly shuffle and the scores increases. If the same image is clicked twice in a round, the game restarts - while the users high score is still displayed.

To Do List

Basic to do list using node, express, a custom ORM and MySQL to save tasks, and handlebars to template the front-end. Deployed on Heroku.

LIRI Node App

SIRI clone - runs in terminal, on command line. Searches using APIS for songs on Spotify, movies with OMDB, and band concerts and tours with BandsInTown. Built exclusively in node. Demo is a GIF example of app running in Git Bash terminal.

Super Smash Babies

RPG Style Game built using Javascript and jQuery. Player chooses their character and opponent. When "Attack" button is clicked, characters' stats are updated in real time. Game ends when player is defeated or player defeats for opponents.

More Than Words

App utilizing GIPHY's API, demonstrating use of RESTful API's and ajax functions. User can select one of the presuggested tags to search, or create their own tag by searching. Searches are saved as a button - option exists to clear searches.

SQL Storefront

Node app that runs in terminal. MySQL database stores product inventory. User can select the product and quantity they would like to purchase. Database updates with new inventory amounts. Demo is GIF of app running in Git Bash.

World Geography Trivia

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Guess the Composer

Hangman Style game built using Javascript. Composer portrait and famous musical piece is played. Blank spaces are displayed, and player types a letter. Letter shows in either the correct blank or in the incorrect guesses section.


Feel free to follow me, message me, or send me an email.